Wednesday, July 18, 2007

When we finally met up with our friends we headed downtown London to see the Big Ben, the London Eye (a 450 ft. ferris wheel) and just to view the beautiful city. We watched the sunset in a park near the London Eye and then headed back to the hotel to get accustomed to the new time zone.

Thursday -
Thursday morning we woke up and rode a train to Oxford around 11 am. All we have to say is that Oxford is a really cool city!!! It was full of college students and really neat shops. The best part was that the food was cheap. We ate paninis at a little cafe. Next we toured the Magdeline College which was beautiful. This is a building that was built in the 12th century. We then toured the Christ Church where they filmed alot of the parts from the movie Harry Potter. Christ Church.........Harry Potter.....HMMMMM sounds like an oxymoron. HA. We then sat on the second story of a STARBUCKS which was relaxing. We then walked the city a little more and sat near a cafè for awhile and then took the 2 hour train ride home.

Friday -
We moved into our new hotel. IT WAS NASTY!!! They never changed the sheets. We spilled a bit of smoothie on the sheets and it never went away.....hmmmm...gross. We then went to the Tower of London. This was probably one of the best things we saw in London. It was built in the 11th century and had tons of history. We took some interesting pictures that we will post when we have the proper equipment. The best part was seeing the torture devices. Mwahahahahaha. I know...we're evil. So torture us! HA. One of the troture devices was an iron ring that they would stick somone in and squeeze it together which would fold them into three. OUCH!
After the museum, we headed to Knotting Hill to eat at Costas, which is a famous fish and chips restaurant. It was delicious. It was actually owned by Italians, which was the best service we had in London. We all found that most of the people in London keep to themselves and are not that friendly. That is just based on our experience.